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Imladris 2024 is currently Sold Out.
If you would like to be added to a waitlist, please write to [email protected] and we'll let you know if any slots open up.

Imladris is an in-person event meant to connect passionate, committed Christians who are professionally working in, or adjacent to, the Interactive Entertainment industry. To be clear, that's not just the programmers or the designers. We're not limiting to the animators or the producers. Maybe you're an actor, maybe you're a community manager, or a marketing executive. If you're working in Interactive in basically any way and from any angle, Imladris is for you.  

Imladris is more retreat than conference, more monastery than trade show, and more relational than transactional.

When we say 'Christian,' we only ask if you're comfortable affirming the Apostle's Creed. Nobody is policing this stuff but the community is meant for those who follow Christ as their Risen King.

When we say 'Professional,' we ask if you're typically working half time or more in this field. It doesn't matter if you get paid or are volunteering, but we are seeking those who are doing this as a genuine vocation.

By design we limit attendance to a level we feel can still foster community and conversation - roughly 120 max.

Families are welcome...

We hold Imladris at the lovely Oregon Gardens Resort and admission to the adjacent Oregon Garden is included for any guest. Therefore kids, families, and friends often come along even if they don't intend to participate in the main conference agenda.

What days should we expect you...

Doors open at 3:00pm Pacific with dinner served at 6:00pm

A full day of good stuff...

A half day of good stuff, and a mellow evening schedule

A half day of material specifically focusing on education and educators, but all are welcome. Program ends at 1pm.

Tell us a little bit about you...

Are you comfortable affirming the Apostle's Creed? Imladris has no denominational barriers, but it is a community of committed Christians. This is more about making sure you know what you're getting into, and not a barrier or litmus test.

  • (including gaming)

Is this your primary vocation? (Roughly half-time or more, as compared to a hobby, area of interest, or avocation)

Background Image by Jerry Venderstelt.
Support him at his website here.

Have you attended Imladris before?

If this is your first time joining us then it is our great honor to host you.
If you can get here and find a place to stay, we'll take care of the rest.
That said, we're happy to accept any donation you'd like to offer.

Suggested Amounts
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